Board games for the expert
Are you a seasoned board game player and do you no longer get excited or cold from a family game? Then you will be very happy with this category on our website. Here you will only find expert games. Full of strategies, tactical choices, exciting stories and difficult puzzles. These are games that you do not just play. You have to dive into them and take the time for them, because you do not play these games in half an hour. But in return, there is an epic adventure. Does a 3-hour game night make your heart beat faster and do you not mind playing an English-language board game? Then a whole new world awaits you. These board games will give you a completely new gaming experience!
The most popular expert game of all time is Gloomhaven. This board game has been number 1 on BoardGameGeek for years. It seems unbeatable! And we understand that very well. Because this board game with no less than 95 (!) campaigns will give you years of playing fun. The box of Gloomhaven is also epically large and weighs no less than 10 kg! What else do you want, with more than 1500 cards alone. Are you ready to venture into the darkest depths of the world? Then hurry, because Gloomhaven is an incredibly popular game and is always sold out in no time!
Mansions of Madness
Mansions of Madness is set in the same world as Arkam Horror, Eldritch Horror and Elder Sign. A dark world full of monsters and fantasy figures, based on the work of HP Lovecraft. This man was born in 1890 and was a relatively unknown writer during his lifetime, but he is now a celebrity in the board game world. Anyone who plays expert games can no longer ignore HP Lovecraft. But of course we give his world a modern twist. Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition is played with an app, for example, with which you go through various scenarios step by step.