
55 products

  • Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Inc. Darkest Magic - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Dire Wolf Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Inc. Darkest Magic - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: eind 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Tuurlijk, je hebt 'de wereld gered'. Maar wat heb je recent voor het bedrijf gedaan? Keer terug naar de corporate avonturenwereld van Acquisitions Incorporated in Darkest Magic, een gloednieuwe Clank! Legacy! Personaliseer je spel permanent om het verhaal van je groep te vertellen met stickers, kraskaarten, unieke karakterdagboeken en meer! De originele Clank! Legacy werd geprezen als een van de beste legacy spellen aller tijden en nam spelers mee op een wervelend avontuur in een onvergetelijk overdreven verhaal. Herbeleef de magie met Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated - Darkest Magic voor de grootste, clankiest Clank! tot nu toe!

    Verwacht: eind 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Sale
    Chartered: Building Amsterdam - Bordspel [PRE ORDER]

    Jolly Dutch Chartered: Building Amsterdam - Bordspel [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: midden oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Welkom in de grote handelsstad Amsterdam in het begin van de 17e eeuw. De stad wordt steeds machtiger, met schepen die naar verre landen varen. Temidden van deze handelsdrukte streven jij en je medehandelexperts naar economische grootsheid. Je bouwt magazijnen door de stad heen. Je breidt chartermaatschappijen uit waarin je hebt geïnvesteerd. Terwijl je jouw verstand gebruikt om je concurrentie te slim af te zijn, groei je sneller en groter dan ooit tevoren. Je hebt slechts één doel in deze strijd: de rijkste handelaar van Amsterdam worden. Ga je volledig voor één bedrijf of spreid je je kansen? Time je fusie perfect om je winst te maximaliseren. Werk samen om andere spelers te slim af te zijn. Gebruik bouwkaarten om bedrijven op te richten en uit te breiden. Ontvang je uitbetaling direct en investeer in de juiste bedrijven.

    Verwacht: midden oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Resafa - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Delicious Games Resafa - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Het spel Resafa speelt zich af in de 3e eeuw na Christus in het gebied van het huidige Midden-Oosten. Resafa ligt nu in ruïnes in het huidige Syrië, maar in die tijd was het een versterkte woestijnpost die bloeide als een stop langs belangrijke karavaanroutes. In het spel vertegenwoordigen de spelers kooplieden die op zakenreis zijn en goederen kopen en verkopen in de verschillende steden in de regio. Resafa had geen lokale waterbronnen, dus het was sterk afhankelijk van grote cisternen om het lente- en regenwater op te vangen om het gebied bewoonbaar te maken. Spelers bouwen watertanks en kanalen om dat water te verdelen waar het nodig is. In de steden bouwen ze werkplaatsen om hun bedrijven te laten groeien, wat hen in staat zal stellen om hulpbronnen en kamelen te verzamelen. Ze construeren ook tuinen tussen de bedrijven, wat meer hulpbronnen en ook overwinningpunten oplevert. Het spel wordt gespeeld over zes rondes. In elke ronde voert een speler slechts drie acties uit door actiekaarten te spelen in dit strakke en spannende spel.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Cryptic Nature - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    iDventure Cryptic Nature - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: verwacht october 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Cryptic Nature is een competitief strategisch bordspel waarin je de rol van cryptozoologen op je neemt, op zoek naar sporen van cryptids — buitengewone wezens die zich voor mensen verbergen. Je taak is niet alleen om deze zeldzame soorten op te sporen, maar ook om een uniek natuurreservaat voor cryptids te bouwen om hen een veilige habitat te bieden. Verwerf reputatiepunten en word de meest gerenommeerde cryptozooloog!

    Pre-order: verwacht october 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Intarsia Box

    Pegasus Spiele Intarsia - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: verwacht october 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Het Café de Paris heeft dringend renovatie nodig om ervoor te zorgen dat het gasten van over de hele wereld blijft aantrekken. In Intarsia kruipen spelers in de huid van ambachtslieden die strijden om het felbegeerde contract om de prachtige parketvloer in het café opnieuw vorm te geven. Om het contract te winnen, moeten ze eerst hun meesterschap in het werken met deze stijlvolle intarsia’s tonen, terwijl ze ook hun concurrenten proberen te overtreffen met nieuwe gereedschappen. Elk vloerornament kan bestaan uit één tot vier sierlijke houtelementen die zorgvuldig in elkaar worden gezet, werkend van buiten naar binnen. Hoe meer stukken een ornament bevat, hoe meer overwinningspunten het oplevert! Tijdens de bouwfase kunnen houtelementen worden verkregen door materiaalkaarten te spelen en vervolgens worden toegevoegd aan het persoonlijke bord van een speler, volgens een reeks eenvoudige bouwregels. Bovendien kunnen spelers proberen specifieke patroonvereisten te volgen om gereedschappen te verkrijgen die het aantal punten dat in een ronde wordt gescoord, vergroten. Alleen de ambachtsman met de beste vaardigheden kan het contract veiligstellen en het café een nieuwe toekomst geven! De B-kant van het vloerenbord biedt variatie voor dit slimme en hoogwaardige tegellegspel.

    Pre-order: verwacht october 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Spectacular box

    Chilifox Games Spectacular - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: verwacht october 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    In Spectacular ben je bezig met het creëren en ontwikkelen van je eigen dierenpark voor kwetsbare diersoorten. Om de soorten te behouden, moet je ervoor zorgen dat er binnen elk habitat wordt gefokt. Tijdens het spel selecteer je dierentegels en dobbelstenen, waarbij de dobbelstenen het voedsel voor de dieren vertegenwoordigen. De kleur van de dobbelstenen moet overeenkomen met de habitatkleur van de dierentegels. Elke beurt vereist cruciale beslissingen, waarbij je moet overwegen of je een dobbelsteen van een bepaalde waarde wilt kiezen of een dierentegel wilt veiligstellen die mogelijk niet meer beschikbaar is. Aan het einde van het spel scoor je punten voor elk gebied van verbonden tegels van hetzelfde habitat, gebaseerd op de som van je dobbelstenen van die kleur. Punten worden echter alleen toegekend als dobbelstenen met de waarden 1 of 2 op bepaalde “familie”-tegels binnen het habitat zijn geplaatst! Gedurende het spel bouw je ook uitkijktorens, die je punten opleveren voor alle drie de dobbelstenen die eraan grenzen. Om je park nog spectaculairder te maken, probeer je ook zoveel mogelijk verschillende soorten te verzamelen, met toenemende punten voor meer variëteit. De speler met de meeste punten wint het spel. Na een paar spellen kun je jezelf uitdagen door te spelen met drie (van de 18) missietegels. Hoewel ze de mogelijkheid bieden voor een hogere score, verhogen ze ook het moeilijkheidsniveau van de puzzel. Spectacular biedt gelijktijdig spel en zorgt voor interactie tussen de spelers, aangezien de beslissingen van je tegenstanders van invloed zullen zijn op welke tegels en dobbelstenen voor jou beschikbaar zijn. Het spel wordt ook geleverd met asymmetrische spelersborden (aan de achterkant). Spectacular biedt eenvoudige regels, snelle opzet, korte speeltijd, boeiende puzzels en kan worden gespeeld door 1 tot 6 spelers met weinig wachttijd, zelfs bij een groter aantal spelers.

    Pre-order: verwacht october 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Men-Nefer - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Ludonova Men-Nefer - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: verwacht december 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Gesticht rond 3100 v.Chr. en gelegen ten zuiden van de Nijldelta, was de stad Men-nefer (Memphis in het Grieks) de hoofdstad van het oude Egypte gedurende negen dynastieën en de meest bevolkte stad ter wereld. In 1979 werd de stad uitgeroepen tot UNESCO-werelderfgoed, voornamelijk vanwege de necropolissen en piramidecomplexen die wereldwijd bekend zijn, zoals Abusir, Saqqara, Dahshur en Gizeh. In Men-Nefer herleef je een van de grootste periodes van het oude Egypte en voer je taken uit die kenmerkend zijn voor de Egyptische cultuur: kennis verwerven in de Huizen van het Leven, navigeren en handelen op de Nijl, offers brengen in de Grote Tempel van Ptah, de lijken van de edelen balsemen om hen naar een beter hiernamaals te sturen, prachtige sfinxen oprichten en bijdragen aan de bouw van de Grote Piramides. Daarnaast moet je zorgvuldig door deze aardse wereld navigeren om ervoor te zorgen dat Osiris je toegang verleent tot Aaru, het langverwachte hemelse paradijs van het hiernamaals.

    Pre-order: verwacht december 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Civolution - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Deep Print Games Civolution - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Hallo, student wezens! De kosmische faculteit van de Technische Academie van Creatie is verheugd om jullie welkom te heten bij jullie Civolution, het eindexamen in Beschavingsontwerp! Voor deze gelegenheid hebben we een humanoïde scenario voorbereid op een geïsoleerd continent. Hier bekleedt ieder van jullie de rang van een lokale godheid die nauw verbonden is met zijn eigen beschaving en deze naar succes moet leiden ten opzichte van de andere beschavingen. Jullie ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden zijn eindeloos en variëren van culturele en technische vooruitgang tot evolutionaire aanpassingen. Wat zou bijvoorbeeld meer voordelig zijn voor je stammen: het uitvinden van het wiel of het krijgen van vleugels? Toon ons je vaardigheid in het bedienen van je beschavingsconsole en laat zien hoe goed je kunt aanpassen aan veranderlijke omgevingsomstandigheden en milde scheppingschaos. Wanneer het examen na vier tijdperken eindigt, zal degene die de meeste succespunten heeft verzameld niet alleen slagen voor het examen, maar ook een volwaardig lid worden van de Technische Academie van Creatie en de kans krijgen om gepromoveerd te worden naar de volgende instantie. Civolution is een medium tot zwaar eurostijl spel dat een dobbelsteen-selectiemechanisme gebruikt om acties te activeren op een tech-tree. Terwijl je ontdekt hoe je je dobbelstenen het beste kunt gebruiken en je unieke kaarten in het spel kunt brengen, komen er talloze strategieën en wegen naar de overwinning naar voren. Maar elke keer dat je speelt, zul je slechts een fractie van de mogelijkheden verkennen die het systeem en de vele kaarten van het spel bieden.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Everdell Duo - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Tabletop Tycoon Everdell Duo - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: verwacht maart 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Everdell Duo, een op zichzelf staand spel in de charmante wereld van Everdell, is speciaal gemaakt voor twee spelers. Het biedt competitieve head-to-head gameplay en ook een robuuste en spannende coöperatieve campagne. Met een innovatief beurtensysteem, meer dan 75 unieke kaartvaardigheden en meer dan 30 verschillende evenementen om te voltooien, is Everdell Duo een uitgebreide en verslavende ervaring met een gemakkelijke setup en snelle speeltijd.

    Pre-order: verwacht maart 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Minos Dawn of the Bronze Age - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Board & Dice Minos Dawn of the Bronze Age - Bordspel (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    In het oude rijk Kreta, te midden van de zonovergoten kusten en labyrintische gangen van Knossos, moet het lot van de Minoïsche beschaving nog bepaald worden. Als lid van een van de vier vooraanstaande Minoïsche clans roept je bestemming je om te strijden voor de prestigieuze titel van Minos, de ultieme leider van je volk. Maar houd in gedachten - anders dan de tumultueuze veroveringen van andere beschavingen, staan de Minoërs bekend om hun streven naar vrede en welvaart. In deze boeiende reis ligt de essentie van je queeste niet in het gekletter van zwaarden, maar in de kunst van bestuur en het cultiveren van de unieke identiteit van je clan. Als leiders van Minoïsche clans zijn spelers verantwoordelijk voor de eerste Europese beschaving. Bouw steden, monumenten en andere structuren, open nieuwe handelsroutes, breid uit en verdedig je land tegen buitenstaanders, plan je acties met je clanstad, doe onderzoek en vaardig decreten uit zodat je acties krachtiger zijn dan die van je tegenstanders! Je hebt slechts 4 rondes om te bewijzen dat je de legendarische titel van Minos waard bent. Kies en wijs de dobbelstenen toe aan het programmeerbord. Met lagere dobbelsteenwaarden kun je sterkere acties veiligstellen, maar de hogere dobbelsteenwaarden helpen je om op de sporen te klimmen en hun voordelen te behalen. Tijdens de actiefase nemen de spelers hun dobbelstenen in volgorde van hoog naar laag en voeren de vooraf geplande acties uit. Spelers bouwen ook hun tableau - elke kaart heeft een onmiddellijk effect en een geactiveerde beloning verbonden aan de specifieke actie of dobbelsteenwaarde die ze kunnen gebruiken om de actie krachtiger te maken. Bovendien krijgen spelers twee keer in het spel Overwinningspunten voor hun beschavingsvoortgang in de regio.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Pirates of Maracaibo: Playmat - Accessories

    DLP Games Pirates of Maracaibo: Playmat - Accessories

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    The official playmat for Pirates of Maracaibo! The playmat includes the game's Caribbean map layout, which significantly aids in game setup and play. Moreover, it enhances the Caribbean feeling on the table with its cool appearance. In general, this playmat can also be used with the alternative card layouts. Made from thick 2mm neoprene with stitched edges, this play mat will stand the test of time. Measuring 59x44 cm, the play mat is supplied in a cardboard display box.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Evenfall: The Crystal Path expansion (ENG)

    DLP Games Evenfall: The Crystal Path expansion (ENG)

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Once thought lost, magic flows into the land via the Crystal Path, attracting new clans from far and wide. There's a lot to discover, but the goal remains the same: fight to secure a place on the magical throne! This expansion for the base game Evenfall includes two new clans, a Crystal Path and many new Rituals, Specialists and Places of Power to explore. With a new catalyst - the crystal - you reveal a new form of magic. Parts of this expansion can be modularly integrated into the base game.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Atlantis Exodus - Board Game (ENG)

    DLP Games Atlantis Exodus - Board Game (ENG)

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    The legendary Atlantis is shrouded in so many stories and myths that it is said to have completely drowned in one night. Atlantis Exodus takes place in the 5 years before the sinking. The players and their respective kings must try to save as many of their subjects as possible to take their acquired knowledge and skills to another world and time. The Atlantis city roundel with its rotation mechanism constantly presents the kings with new challenges, as the possible actions are constantly changing, forcing them to reconsider and adapt their chosen strategies.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Pirates of Maracaibo: Commanders Expansion (ENG)

    DLP Games Pirates of Maracaibo: Commanders Expansion (ENG)

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    After sailing the Caribbean in search of glory and treasure as a privateer in Pirates of Maracaibo, a new challenge awaits you with the Commanders expansion! Now you represent a notorious ship commander or a feared captain, whose special abilities add even more tactical finesse to the game. In addition, you can now equip your ship with cannons to access the fortifications of certain islands - because there are riches to be found there too! New explorer boards, maps and rum trading take Pirates of Maracaibo to a whole new level. Hoist anchor, the final journey begins!

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Dorfromantik: Sakura - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pegasus Spiele Dorfromantik: Sakura - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected fall 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Are you ready for a new campaign from Dorfromantik? In Dorfromantik Sakura (Japanese for cherry blossom) you can not only discover even more, you also have to face greater challenges than you have overcome so far: The cherry blossoms bring a new element into the game and a total of more than 40 achievements from 6 boxes now have to be unlocked and discovered. And that's not all – be surprised...! How high can you push your points high score in this standalone successor to the 2023 Game of the Year?

    Pre-order: expected fall 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Living in the Amazon: Upgrade Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Living in the Amazon: Upgrade Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected early 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    In this upgrade pack you will find the wooden base components (113 tokens: trees, water flowers, seeds and the completion tokens) and the wooden resource tokens (180 tokens: coins, water, leaves and fruit). The wooden chips are slightly larger and thicker than the standard chips and are fully printed.

    Pre-order: expected early 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • The Lord of the Rings Duel for Middle Earth - Card Game

    Repos Production The Lord of the Rings Duel for Middle Earth - Card Game

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober/november 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    A dark rumor rises from Mordor: the Eye of Sauron is targeting Middle-Earth. The hour has come, the Fellowship is reunited and the Heroes prepare for battle. In The Lord of the Rings Duel for Middle Earth you must choose sides. Play as the Fellowship of the Ring, prevent the enemy from gaining ground and destroy the One Ring. Or play as Sauron and send your Nazgûls after Sam and Frodo and spread your hordes across enemy cities. The fate of Middle-earth is in your hands!

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober/november 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Living in the Amazon - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Living in the Amazon - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected early 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Build your own thriving jungle by discovering different wild animals, insects and plants in this beautiful board game. Living in the Amazon is a strategic board game that combines 'bag building' and 'pattern building'. Discover different animals, insects and plants and let everything work together so that you build the most valuable jungle! With more than 60,000 different combinations of animal cards and various strategic options, every game of Life in the Amazon is different! Recommended sleeves for the base game: Basic animal cards (16), unique animal cards (8), overview cards (4) and solo card (1): Non-glare: 1 pack Board Game Sleeves 'Non-Glare Tarot' 70 x 120 mm (50PCS) Simply: 1 pack Board Game Sleeves 'Tarot' 70 x 120 mm (100PCS) Nature cards: insect cards (48) and landscape cards (42): Non-glare: 2 packs Board Game Sleeves 'Non-Glare Small' 44 x 68 mm (50PCS) Simply: 1 pack Board Game Sleeves 'Clear Small' 44 x 68 mm (100PCS)

    Pre-order: expected early 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • Meadow Adventure Book expansion (ENG)

    Rebel Meadow Adventure Book expansion (ENG)

    Pre-order: verwacht Q4 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Meadow: Adventure Book is a narrative experience that takes you on a journey through various scenarios contained in a beautifully illustrated book. It can be played as a legacy-style experience where scenarios build into a campaign.

    Pre-order: verwacht Q4 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen sleeping gods primeval peril (1)

    Keep Exploring Games Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    You are in a strange world. Survive the dangers of the jungle river and rescue a captured passenger. Traverse the atlas, explore new locations and complete missions in an attempt to find your missing companion before his time runs out! Primeval Peril is set in the Wandering World, a mythical place and also the location where Sleeping Gods and Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies take place. This is a standalone game. So you don't need Sleeping Gods or Distant Skies to play Primeval Peril.

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen sky team turbulence

    Scorpion Masqué Sky Team: Turbulence expansion (ENG)

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober/november 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    An expansion for the hit game! In Sky Team Turbulence you must land your plane amid terrible weather conditions while beset by technical problems! Take a seat in the cockpit and test your skills in 20 even more demanding scenarios! The expansion introduces new rules and new modules, such as Turbulence, Low Visibility and Alarms, which add depth and diversity to your Sky Team base game. Get on board now for beautiful destinations such as Beijing, Madrid, Warsaw, Sydney, Cape Town, Kiev and Sint Maarten. Turbulence is an expansion for the cooperative 2-player game Sky Team. Hold on to your seats!

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober/november 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen het onbewuste vrije associaties

    Keep Exploring Games The Unconscious: Free Associations expansion [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Free Associations is a modular extension for The Unconscious. You can freely add these 5 modules to the game: Illusion Cards, Mirror Image Cards, Bric-a-brac Notebook Tiles, Scientific Research Cards and Rendezvous Goal Cards. The box is in several languages, including Dutch, and contains Dutch rules. The components have no text.

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen reef project

    Board & Dice Reef Project - Board Game (ENG)

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Despite coral reefs covering less than 1% of the ocean floor, they are estimated to be home to approximately 25% of all marine species. Unfortunately, these colorful underwater cities are dying. Climate change and the resulting rising water temperatures are destroying the colorful algae that give coral reefs their brilliant hues, resulting in coral bleaching. In addition, other threats such as pollution in its many insidious forms and overfishing disrupt the delicate balance of reef ecosystems. That's why scientists from various disciplines, along with researchers studying the ecological complexity and importance of the reefs, are working together to address the many challenges these ecosystems face. Your assignment is to command a scientific ship and embark on a journey of reef conservation. Hire the best crew, clean the ocean and restore the reefs to their former glory. During the game, players take on the role of researchers and rescuers of the oceans. You will sail the seas, hire crew members, explore the coral reef, rid the ocean parts of pollution and try to complete as many missions as possible. During their turn, players can choose to charge or travel. When they load up, they receive the rewards from the VP track. As they travel, they can deploy Reef Balls, move their ship, play mission cards and perform various actions. The game is played over a variable number of rounds. When a player exceeds the 45 VP threshold, the end of the game is initiated. After an additional round, the final scoring takes place and the player with the most victory points wins.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen het onbewuste

    Keep Exploring Games The Unconscious - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    In the early 1900s, Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud developed a revolutionary theory called psychoanalysis, which concerned the study of the unconscious. Freud believed that dreams were an expression of the unconscious mind. As his work caught on, followers gathered every Wednesday in Freud's apartment to discuss psychology and dream analysis. This group – Wednesday Psychological Society – marked the beginning of the global psychoanalytic movement. As a member of this society, you will strive to formulate new therapeutic techniques, establish a practice, expand your clientele and become Freud's foremost contemporary. To achieve this you need to share insights, discuss ideas with peers and publish theories. And to stay refreshed, you probably need coffee – lots of coffee.

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen catan nieuwe energie

    999 Games Catan: New Energy - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    It's the 21st century and Catan is at a crossroads. The agricultural society of the island's Viking ancestors is long gone. Today's Catanians need energy to keep society moving and growing, but pollution is wreaking havoc on the island. You must decide: invest in clean energy sources, or opt for cheaper fossil fuels, which could have potentially disastrous consequences for the island? CATAN: New Energy is a new standalone game that still has the classic Catan mechanics such as harvesting, trading and building. New gameplay elements have been added, including power plants, energy tokens and environmental events that add new strategies and stories to a familiar base.

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen sleeping gods distant skies

    Keep Exploring Games Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies Collectors Edition - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    San Francisco, 1937. Your cargo plane flies through a portal and transports you into a rugged landscape full of bizarre creatures, devious gods and unknown dangers. Can you find your way back before the portal closes? Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies is a standalone sequel set in the world of Sleeping Gods. Although it builds on story elements from the first game, you don't have to have played Sleeping Gods to enjoy this sequel. The game features new characters and stories; concepts from the original game are explained as you encounter them. We are releasing the collector's edition, which also includes the Thunderstorm Isle expansion, as well as some deluxe upgrades such as miniatures for all characters, a painted airplane mini and metal tokens. The Games Friends: "Sleeping Gods Distant Skies is once again a big hit. It plays a little smoother than its predecessor, but the amount of stories is still just as impressive. We are totally fans!"

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen het onbewuste nachtmerries

    Keep Exploring Games The Unconscious: Nightmare Expansion [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Nightmares is an extension for The Unconscious. This Nightmares expansion takes you to the spooky side of the mind, with nightmares, creepy client cards, metamorphosis grief cards, damaged insight boards and madness. These chilling images may haunt you at first, but don't be too scared; your emotional support pet is by your side to help you. The Nachtmarries box is in English, but the rules are in Dutch. There is no material containing text.

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen bonsai

    dV Giochi Bonsai - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected early September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    A bonsai is a living work of art in the form of a perfect miniature tree. It is a microcosm that contains all the secrets of the universe and, except for its dimensions, is completely unchanged. Become a professional bonsai master and grow your own bonsai. Show off your green fingers and earn a spot in the Imperial Gardens to display your masterpiece. On your turn, you perform one of two actions: meditate or cultivate. When you meditate, you choose one of the face-up cards on the board and take it, along with any bonsai tiles shown below it. As you cultivate, you can place the tiles in your personal stash into your bonsai. You can place as many tiles as the total number of symbols depicted on your Seishi tile and on all your Growth cards combined. Each symbol allows you to place one tile of the corresponding type. During the turn in which your bonsai meets the requirements of a target tile that is still in the center of the table (i.e. the target tile has not yet been claimed by another player), you must immediately choose whether to claim that tile or refrains from trying to achieve a more difficult goal tile. When the last card of the deck is revealed, the end of the game is signaled. Each tile in your bonsai is worth a certain number of points. The player with the most points is the most professional bonsai master! In the solo game you can try to complete the extra scenarios that change some rules and objectives and finally try to complete the Emperor's challenge.

    Pre-order: expected early September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen arcs

    Leder Games Arcs - Board Game (ENG)

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober/november 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Arcs is a sci-fi strategy game for 2-4 players, set in a dark but also comical universe. Prepare for dramatic twists and turns as you plunge into this galactic battle. Use versatile cards for your actions. Copy the leader, switch to new tactics, or take the initiative for the next round. Timing is crucial. In each game you determine the objectives that everyone fights over to win. Build your navy, plan your strategy with three types of dice, and roll them all at once to settle the battle in the blink of an eye. Each game contains one hundred wooden ships and agents, 18 custom-engraved dice, a beautiful six-piece game board and decks of cards with more than 60 unique works of art.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober/november 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-lets-go-to-japan

    White Goblin Games Let's go to Japan - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Pre-order: expected in 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    You are travelers planning and experiencing your own dream vacations to Japan. As you travel back and forth between Tokyo and Kyoto, you'll discover must-see tourist attractions and local flavors. With more than 100 beautifully illustrated maps drawn by artists in Japan, you'll discover activities and build your weeklong itinerary. Puzzle with the activities to maximize your experience while balancing your resources. Play competitively or solo and earn victory points by successfully navigating the cities, making the most of your favorite activities and fulfilling your personal goals. The one with the most points wins, but everyone has the chance to create an unforgettable holiday.

    Pre-order: expected in 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • dobbelspellen cascadia rolling hills

    White Goblin Games Cascadia: Rolling Hills - Dice Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected 4th quarter 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Cascadia: Rolling is a series of puzzle-style flip-and-roll-and-write games featuring the habitats and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest! Simultaneously roll dice, collect wildlife and complete habitat cards to fill in different environments in Cascadia. Use special actions to manipulate your dice and dynamic completion cards to unlock powerful combos! There are two versions of Cascadia: Rolling. Each version includes the following unique content - purchase both versions to play with 1-8 players on 8 different maps!

    Pre-order: expected 4th quarter 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-cascadero

    White Goblin Games Cascadero - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected in Q4 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Cascadero is the new strategy game from acclaimed game author Reiner Knizia. Ministers visit cities by sending envoys; but the cities are suspicious of envoys who arrive alone. New envoys only activate a city count if they are part of a group or have an official seal of El Cascadero. Move your blocks wisely on the sector tracks and become El Cascadero's favorite minister!

    Pre-order: expected in Q4 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen seti search for extraterrestial intelligence

    Czech Games SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Board Game (ENG)

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober/november 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    In SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a Eurogame for 1–4 players, you lead a scientific institution charged with searching for traces of life beyond planet Earth. The game draws inspiration from current or emerging technologies and efforts in space exploration. Players will explore nearby planets and their moons by launching probes from Earth, while taking advantage of ever-changing planet positions. Decide whether to land on their surface to collect valuable samples, or stay in orbit for a broader investigation. In addition, by pointing your telescopes at distant galaxies, you can detect traces of alien signals or undiscovered exoplanets, and collect promising data to explore and study at home. Back on Earth, you can invest in upgrading your equipment so you can analyze incoming data more efficiently, increase your telescope signal capacity, or increase your supply of resources: all to expand the scope of your search that could lead to the discovery of alien life forms. You'll also use more than 200 cards to support your efforts or focus your research in a particular direction for additional bonuses and rewards. Each card features unique effects and artwork and depicts real-world technologies, projects, and discoveries (such as the ISS, the Large Hadron Collider, the Perseverance rover, the Voyager probe, and many others). Finding traces of extraterrestrial life is just a matter of strategically deploying the resources at your disposal, and you can be the one to make the greatest scientific contribution to advancing our understanding of extraterrestrial life within our galaxy. SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence celebrates space and planet exploration, astronomy, the ongoing search for signs of life in the vastness of space, and efforts to understand the nature of life in the universe.

    Pre-order: verwacht oktober/november 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • dobbelspellen cascadia rolling rivers

    White Goblin Games Cascadia: Rolling Rivers - Dice Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected 4th quarter 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Cascadia: Rolling is a series of puzzle-style flip-and-roll-and-write games featuring the habitats and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest! Simultaneously roll dice, collect wildlife and complete habitat cards to fill in different environments in Cascadia. Use special actions to manipulate your dice and dynamic completion cards to unlock powerful combos! There are two versions of Cascadia: Rolling. Each version includes the following unique content - purchase both versions to play with 1-8 players on 8 different maps!

    Pre-order: expected 4th quarter 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • de-dieren-van-baker-street-bordspel

    DSV Games The Animals of Baker Street - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    In The Animals of Baker Street you take on the role of Clay, Briar, Cherrywood and Calabash and try to solve the biggest mysteries Baker Street has to offer! You play this narrative game cooperatively, so together against the game. Meet characters, find items, collect information and puzzle together to unravel the mystery! The Animals of Baker Street is an exciting detective story for the whole family (but also fun with friends) with a unique setting, written by the famous children's author, Clémentine Beauvais, and Sherlock specialist Dave Neale. The story is sweet, but also exciting, and it contains unexpected twists. In the game you choose together which place you will visit. In these places you will find animal characters that you interact with. Try to collect valuable information that will help you discover new clues. But watch the time! Try to solve the case within the given time to win! The tutorial case allows you to start playing almost immediately!

    Pre-order: expected September 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-zoo-vadis (2)

    White Goblin Games Zoo Vadis - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected in 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    What if the animals ruled the zoo? A feral government would likely emerge, built on the support of other animals and fueled by fame, attention and admiration from visitors. Naturally, the most ambitious beasts would negotiate for a place in the star exhibit and the main star would be chosen as the zoo mascot. To win a place in the star exhibit, each animal species must work its way up the hierarchy through a majority vote or through the help of the zookeeper. The animal species that has collected the most laurel wreaths from enthusiastic fans and jealous rivals along the way is the zoo mascot. How do you get support and earn laurel wreaths? Through cunning politics, clever negotiations and ruthless plans. After all, there can only be 1 zoo mascot.

    Pre-order: expected in 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-zone-threats-miniature-pack

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Zone Threats Miniature Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    54 beautiful and unique miniatures, including some of the most iconic creatures you'll encounter in the Zone. This is a purely cosmetic addition with high quality plastic miniatures.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-playmats

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Playmats - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    A set of five unique play mats to organize the play area. Four play mats for each Stalker player board + one universal mat where you can place the different decks and components that you need to keep close while playing the game.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-terrain-pack

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Terrain Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    This highly detailed pack adds new and detailed miniatures, along with cardboard buildings. Immerse yourself in the game and create a unique atmosphere as you make your way through the Zone.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-wondrous-creatures

    DSV Games Wondrous Creatures - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Welcome to the world full of wonderful creatures! You are an admirer of these creatures and you want to create the world's leading sanctuary. – Unique worker placement: an intriguing puzzle. Your deployed worker activates surrounding icons that grant you resources, cards and special effects! – Changing terrains: As the game progresses, powerful special effects are placed in new places on the map. Get creative and use these special effects to unleash your own powerful combinations! – More than 100 different creature cards: collect and combine. Each creature has its own unique ability and offers many strategic choices. Each card, illustrated by Sophia Kang, will immerse you in the beautiful world of Wondrous Creatures. – Evolution of worker skills: your workers have their own unique skills. As you progress through the game, you'll unlock their skills and strengthen your workers! Please note: The design and quantities of some components may still change.

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-anomalies-miniature-pack

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Anomalies Miniature Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    20 highly detailed miniatures of anomalies. Immerse yourself deeply in the game and create a unique atmosphere as you make your way through the Zone.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-wondrous-creatures-deluxe-bundel

    DSV Games Wondrous Creatures: Deluxe Bundle - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    €14.95 discount! (If you buy the base game + deluxe components in this package at once!) Welcome to the world full of wonderful creatures! You are an admirer of these creatures and you want to create the world's leading sanctuary. – Unique worker placement: an intriguing puzzle. Your deployed worker activates surrounding icons that grant you resources, cards and special effects! – Changing terrains: As the game progresses, powerful special effects are placed in new places on the map. Get creative and use these special effects to unleash your own powerful combinations! – More than 100 different creature cards: collect and combine. Each creature has its own unique ability and offers many strategic choices. Each card, illustrated by Sophia Kang, will immerse you in the beautiful world of Wondrous Creatures. – Evolution of worker skills: your workers have their own unique skills. As you progress through the game, you'll unlock their skills and strengthen your workers! This package also includes the luxury components. With these luxurious components, your version of Wondrous Creatures becomes even more beautiful. This bundle contains beautiful wooden components such as wooden eggs, place tokens, score tokens, energy tokens, goal tokens and net tokens. In addition, it also contains 18 metal trophies, which brings the game even more to life. Please note: The design and quantities of some components may still change.

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-fromage

    Road to Infamy Games Fromage - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected end of April 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    You are a French cheesemaker in the early 20th century, producing, aging and selling artisanal cheeses. Become the most prestigious cheesemaker in all of France by running a highly successful cheese factory and creating exceptional cheeses. Fromage is a worker-placement game where players place workers to make cheese and collect resources from the quadrant of the board facing them. Once all players have placed their workers, the board rotates, any cheese made ages and each player is given a new quadrant to place workers in. Score Prestige Points by selling cheese at the four locations and by efficiently managing and upgrading your cheese factory.

    Pre-order: expected end of April 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-maps-stickers-recharge-pack (1)

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Maps & Stickers Recharge Pack - Accessories (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Provides additional sets of cards and stickers for three additional playthroughs of the base game, stretch goals campaigns, and add-ons.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-stalker-core-box-stalker-minis-and-enemy-standees

    Awaken Realms Stalker Core Box: Stalker Minis and Enemy Standees - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    STALKER features high-quality miniatures and premium components that take players into the unforgiving and harsh 'Zone'. The mechanics have been carefully designed to give players a sense of tension and danger as they take on the game's challenges. It will please hardcore players, while remaining accessible to those just starting their journey into the world of story-driven board games. The story is based on the campfire stories of STALKER, and these stories will shape the missions. The board game is a "zone crawler" and is suitable for 1 to 4 players. The STALKER Core Box also contains all the stretch goals and the Zone Survival mode.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-personal-stories

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Personal Stories 1 expansion (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    This optional addition delves deeper into the Stalkers' stories and offers various tasks that reveal their motivations, haunted pasts, and personal desires. While this isn't necessary to enjoy the main story campaign or the Zone Survival mode, it enriches the backstories of the available characters and provides additional depth and insight.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-wondrous-creatures-luxe-componenten

    DSV Games Wondrous Creatures: Luxury Components - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    With these luxurious components, your version of Wondrous Creatures becomes even more beautiful. In this pack you will find beautiful wooden components such as wooden eggs, place tokens, score tokens, energy tokens, goal tokens and net tokens. In addition, it also contains 18 metal trophies, which brings the game even more to life.

    Pre-order: expected end of 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-peacemakers-horrors-of-war-sleeves

    Snowdale Design Peacemakers Horrors of War: Sleeve Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected in July 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Clear form-fitting premium card sleeves, with a matte, non-reflective finish. Contains 330 sleeves, enough to sleeve the entire game and promotional pack, with some spare sleeves left over.

    Pre-order: expected in July 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-peacemakers-horrors-of-war

    Snowdale Design Peacemakers: Horrors of War - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected in July 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    Peacemakers: Horrors of War is a thematic board game where you work together and try to bring peace. In the game you are an adventurer trying to stop conflicts between animal kingdom nations, all of whom are at odds with each other. All six scenarios in the game are designed to provide a different challenge each time you play. Peacemakers: Horrors of War can be played with up to four players or solo, and you can play the scenarios in any order with different players, regardless of which scenario you choose.

    Pre-order: expected in July 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


  • bordspellen-peacemakers-horrors-of-war-promo-pack

    Snowdale Design Peacemakers Horrors of War: Promo Pack Expansion (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected in July 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.

    10 new horror cards, which can be added to the game to further increase the variety of horrors faced.

    Pre-order: expected in July 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.


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