Edo - what we now know as Tokyo, Japan - was a thriving city with an estimated population of one million, half city dwellers and half samurai. With a huge shopping culture, Edo's main district, Nihonbashi, was lined with shops, selling kimonos, rice and much more.
Nihonbashi is the focus of IKI: A Game of EDO Artisans, which takes you on a journey through the famous street of old Tokyo. Hear the voices of the great fish market of Nihonbashi Bridge. Meet the professionals, who carry out 700-800 different jobs. Enter the interactivity of the shoppers and sellers. Become one with the townsfolk.
One of the most important professions in the world of Edo is the craftsman. Each of the Edo artisans uses their own craftsmanship to support the lives of the townspeople. In this game there are not only craftsmen, but also street vendors, sellers in the shops and professions unique to this time. Meet the puppeteers putting on a show. Meet the ear cleaners people would line up for.
The aim of this game is to become the annual Edoite, the best personification of what is known as "IKI", an ancient philosophy believed to be the ideal way to live among the people of Edo. Knowing the subtleties of human nature, being refined and attractive - these are all elements of a true IKI master.