In the fantasy card game Enchanters you create an artifact and upgrade it every turn. Each card you take retains some of its power. As you get stronger, you can take on more powerful monsters and, if you plan well, even slay a dragon.
To set up the game, each player takes five crystals. Then you shuffle the number of kingdom piles equal to the number of players, and then place six cards on the travel track. In the game, players take turns traveling, collecting cards from the travel track by paying with crystals. Obtained cards are placed in adjacent piles, with something like "Long Sword" going into the item pile and cards like "of Fire" going into the enchantment pile; Combined, these cards create the "Long Sword of Fire", and cards grant both temporary bonuses (top icons and skills) and permanent bonuses (bottom icons).
Players can attack approaching monsters and defeat them in battle to score points. In combat, you compare your defense to the monster's power to determine whether you will take damage. Then you must collect as many attacks as the monster's health to defeat it. You keep defeated cards as trophies.
From time to time you rest in the village to collect crystals or heal wounds. When you do, you discard the first card on the travel track. At the end of each turn, replenish the travel track to six cards.
The game ends when the last card has been taken or discarded.